- Username
- Dutchgirl
- Date posted
- 1y ago
I have contamination OCD. How am I supposed to do ERP when I feel like there’s poison everywhere? I can’t live like this anymore but ERP is terrifying to me.
I have contamination OCD. How am I supposed to do ERP when I feel like there’s poison everywhere? I can’t live like this anymore but ERP is terrifying to me.
I hear you. When first thinking about ERP, it was so scary for me, too. But, you don’t start with your biggest fears. You start with your smallest. The same goes for anything challenging we do in life, just start with baby steps. So when I first started with ERP, we listed out my triggers and I didn’t start any exposures until i had found a trigger that was only a level 2 or 3 distressing (out of 10). I promise you that you can do this. Always happy to chat if you have any other questions. 💖
@emilytravelswild Oh I’d love to chat more. I’ve had OCD my whole life…same theme. I’ve attempted ERP numerous times, but can’t seem to get past “level 5” on my hierarchy. I’ve had the same thoughts for so long that they feel absolutely real and true to me. Thank you for responding!
@Dutchgirl Are you on Instagram? I just found a super helpful post that I could send you! I’m @ebdesignagency
@emilytravelswild Yes! I will find you there!
You can approach erp sessions in increments. Depends what you're comfortable with. I jumped head first into it every time and it was stressful as hell. It's going to be hard either way so you choose where you want to start with your therapist. It's not a race. Progress is still progress
I struggle with contamination OCD severely too and am going to start erp, it scares tf out of me so I understand! I specifically struggle with emetophobia (the fear of throwing up) I can’t even restart me anxiety meds because I’m so worried it’s going to make me nauseous because I’m constantly looking up the side affects. I honestly can’t give you advice on ERP as I haven’t started mine yet, but I can let you know that I know how you’re feeling.
@Anonymous Thanks for sharing. Good luck to you too.
(How can you do ERP when there is a legit concern?) Trigger warning for Contamination OCD/coronavirus. For instance, I’m pregnant right now and have had a resurgence of contamination OCD. (I also have GAD, so I’m never sure which tactic to take with a thought.) Health really is a legitimate concern here, and I’m told I should be more careful. Of course I overdo it, yet ERP seems to be the exact opposite of being more careful and that seems very, very unwise. How do you do exposure for something that your doctor says to not do? How do you do exposure for something like, for another unrelated example, not wearing a mask around other people right now in the time of the pandemic when you’re absolutely required to wear a mask and it’s dangerous to not? ERP basically doesn’t make sense to me. By that thinking I should be changing the litter box and not washing my hands and *I definitely should not do that*. How do you do ERP when there is a legitimate aspect of an actual concern?
Is there another treatment for OCD than ERP ? I really can't support ERP that hurts I got a lot of panic attacks and can't deal with them
i'm so scared to start erp as someone with contamination ocd and i honestly get so scared that it's not going to work (for me) because i genuinely can't imagine my brain not feeling like germs are scary and are gonna hurt me. like tonight i freaked out because i felt like my clean clothes touched my "dirty" shirt as i was switching over the laundry and it literally sent me into a panic attack about how hard it is to struggle with this. like how will i never find that as a threat? how will erp help that like will i have to intentionally wear dirty clothes? i'm just scared.
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